Viaggio Bhutan -10 Nights

Viaggio Bhutan -10 Nights

9 Nights And 10 Days

Tour Details

Tour Plans

  • Day 1 Arrive by flight to Paro and drive to Thimphu

    Arrival Druk Air Flight KB151 at 7:00 AM: On arrival you will be received by our representative and after a brief introduction drive to Thimphu (elevation: 2350 metre, 60 KM, one hour drive). Stop by roadside to take photo of Tamchu Monastery or you can take a stroll to the riverside to stretch your legs after the long flight. On arrival at the entrance of Thimphu visit Simtokha Dzong built by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (The Lama Founder of Bhutan) in 1629. As you have a day ahead you will begin with the following sightseeing in Thimphu. Zorig Chusum School: The school of arts & painting teaches the children to master in the 13 types of arts and crafts of Bhutan.National library: is another sight to see the collection of Bhutanese scriptures some dating back from the 8th century.Post office: you can buy postage with your image or photo and send postcards to your dear ones.The textile museum is patronized by HM the Queen Sangay Choden Wangchuck to protect the textile heritage of Bhutan. There are some old collections along with the display of vegetable dyes and materials used for Bhutanese textiles.TashichhoDzong: Also known as “fortress of the glorious religion”, the Dzong was initially erected in 1641 and rebuilt by King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck in 1965. Tashichhodzong houses the main secretariat building and the central monk body. Lunch in the town.Check-In Hotel later in the evening. In the evening you can stroll around the Thimphu town on your own. Or if you need an assistance of your guide then they will be happy to guide you in the town. Dinner will be served at the hotel.Overnight Hotel Gakyil , Thimphu

  • Day 2 Thimphu- Excursion to Cheri

    Have breakfast from the hotel and drive for 17 km to the base of the Cheri monastery where you will begin your hike. The hike to the monastery will be around 45 minutes. The Cheri monastery was founded by Lama Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1628. Return to Thimphu town for lunch. Afternoon visit to memorial chorten, Buddha point and Centennial farmers’ market. Overnight Hotel Gakyil, Thimphu.

  • Day 3 Phobjikha Valley (elevation: 2800 metres, 135 Km- 6 hours drive)

    After breakfast transfer to Phobjikha via Dochula pass 3050 m. At Dochula pass thereare 108 stupas known as Druk Wanggyel Chortens. Druk Wangyel literally means“Victorious Bhutan”, was built by the eldest Royal Queen Mother Ashi Dorji WangmoWangchuck. The stupa was built in the year December 2003 after the flush outoperation of insurgents by Royal Bhutan Army led by 4 th King. The Royal Bhutan Armyled by 4 th King of Bhutan came victorious, to honor the victory the 108 stupas were built.The weather at the Druk Wangyel remains chilly and foggy and however in the month ofOctober- February we can see the beautiful view of Himalayas of Bhutan from here.Descend to Lobesa (elevation: 1600metres) you will visit ChimiLhakhang. ChimiLhakhang- temple of the Divine Madman who is popularly known as Drukpa Kuenley. Heinherited the Divine madman title since he revolted against the orthodox Buddhism inhis time. He taught the people that religion is an inner feeling and it’s not necessary thatone should be an ordained monk. He is believed as a symbol of fertility and mostchildless couples go to his temple for blessing. The translation of the life of DrukpaKuenley is done by Keith Dowan –Drukpa Kuenley-The Divine Madman. Lunch at Lobesaand continue drive to Phobjikha.Phobjikha is also known as the winter roosting ground of black-necked cranes thatmigrate from the arid plains of Tibetan plateau to pass winter in milder and lowerclimate. Check-in hotel later in the evening.Overnight Hotel Odhiyana, Phobjikha

  • Day 4 Drive to Bumthang (elevation: 2900metres; 6-7 hrs drive)

    After breakfast visit Gangtey Goemba / monastery enjoy the valley’s prime chunk of realestate, on a hill overlooking the green expanse of the entire Phobjikha valley. Theextensive complex consists of the central Goemba (Monastery) and outlying monk’squarters, meditation centers, schools and a small guesthouse. In 15 th century PemaLingpa the famous treasure discoverer prophesied that a goemba named Gang-teng (hilltop) would be built on this site and that his teachings would spread from here. This onlyNyingma temple was founded here in 1613 by Gyalse Pema Thinley, the grandson andreincarnation of Pema Lingpa, and the goemba was built by Tenzing Legpai Dhendup,the second reincarnation.After the visit to the monastery begins your drive to Trongsaacross Pelela pass (3300 m). This pass is traditionally considered as the boundarybetween West and Central Bhutan. After crossing the Pelela pass we will pass by theChendbji Chorten. It was built in the 18th century patterned on Swayambhunathtemple in Kathmandu. It was built by Lama Shida, from Tibet, to cover the remains of anevil spirit that was killed at this spot. Lunch at Trongsa, After lunch visit Ta dzongmuseum which lies above the Trongsa Dzong. This watchtower, which once guarded theTrongsaDzong from internal rebellion, stands impressively on the hill and wasrefurbished and turned into museum in the year 2008. Today it provides visitors aninsight on the historical reigns of our monarchs and the other arts and artifacts. Thenproceed to Bumthang, the most spectacular valleys in Bhutan and the heartland ofBuddhism. Ahead of Trongsa cross Yutongla pass (3,400m) and from here the landscapechanges with dense forests of conifers. Finally to Bumthang which beings with wide,open, cultivated Chumey valley. Dinner and overnight at Rinchenling Resort inBumthang.

  • Day 5 Sightseeing at Bumthang

    Bumthang is the general name given to a complex of four valleys – Chumey, Choekhor,Tang and Ura with altitude varying from 2,600 m to 4,000 m. Today’s sightseeing beginswith the cultural visit to monasteries and the dzong.Jambey lhakhang & Kurje lhakhang(8 th  century fame) one of the most sacred place in Bhutan as Guru Rimpoche meditatedhere. From Kurje monastery, a tarmac road heads south along the right bank of the riverto the Jambey Lhakhang. Like Kyichu Lhakhang in the Paro valley, JambeyLhakhang isalso one of the 3 temples from 108 temples constructed in 7th century by the KingSongtsenGampo of Tibet. From Kurjelhakhang, you will take a short hike across the riverand the barley field to visit TamshingLhakhang, founded in 1501 by PemaLingpa. Itcontains interesting Buddhist paintings. After lunch you will visit the Dzong and explorethe small town of Chamkhar.Jakar Dzong, the Dzong of the white bird, which houses theadministrative seat of the district and is the only Dzong in the country that does notcontain a Drukpa monastic community. Dinner and overnight at Rinchenling Resort inBumthang

  • Day 6 06: 25 March 2020, Wednesday, Excursion to Tang valley

    After early breakfast from the hotel you will drive to Tang valley. The drive is expectedto last for almost an hour and half on the unpaved road to the Ki Zam (bridge). From thebridge you will have to hike for another 30-35 mins to the Ugyen chholing palace. Beforereaching you will first visitTang Rinpochen monastery. This monastery was built byPemaLingpa in the 14 th  century to mark a sacred place where Guru Rinpoche meditated.The original name “Tag Rimochen” is derived from an impression of tiger’s stripes thatappear on a rock cliff behind the building. After visiting the monastery you will hikefurther to Ugyen Chholing palace. This palace was originally built by Deb Tsokye Dorji,the one time ruler of Trongsa and a descendent of the terton Dorji Lingpa. The presentstructures, including the tshuglhakhang (main temple), utse(central tower), Chamkhang(dance house) are more recent, having been rebuilt after their collapse in the 1897earthquake.Your lunch will be served at the palace. After lunch you will retrace yourhike and then drive back to Bumthang. Dinner and overnight at Rinchenling Resort inBumthang.

  • Day 7 Drive to Punakha (elevation:1600metres;220Km-8 hours)

    After breakfast you will retrace your drive to Punakha. On reaching Trongsa you will visitthe Trongsadzong, situated at the altitude of 2300 m and built in 1647 by theShabdrungNgawangNamgyel. It is the ancestral home of the Royal family both the firstand second King ruled the country from this ancient seat. All four Kings held the post ofTrongsaPenlop (honorary governor) prior to being crowned as King. The Dzong is amassive structure with many levels, which slope down the contours of a hill on which itperches. Because of its highly strategic position as the only connecting route betweeneast and west, the TrongsaPenlop was able to control the whole of the eastern regioneffectively. Check-in the hotel later in the evening.Dinner and overnight at MeriPuensum Resort, Punakha.

  • Day 8 Sightseeing/Rafting in Punakha

    For the morning programme you have to select one from two options: 1) Excursion/ halfan hour hike to Khamsum Yuelley Namgyel Chorten 2) Two to three hours rafting alongthe Mochhu river.Option 1: Enjoy a morning visit to Khamsum Yuelley Namgyel Chorten, perched high ona hill on the opposite bank of the Mo Chhu (Female River). Her Majesty the QueenMother Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuck had the three-storied chorten built for theprotection of the country. It was consecrated at the end of 1999. The monument issituated an half an hour’s walk from the road amidst an idyllic rural farming area. It isrenowned for its beautiful paintings featuring incredibly complex iconography.In the afternoon visit Punakha Dzong. Punakha is the old capital of Bhutan and thereligious body still uses as their winter capital. Built strategically at the junction of PhoChu and Mo Chu rivers in 1637 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to serve as the religiousand administrative center of the region. Damaged by four catastrophic fires and anearthquake, the Dzong has been fully restored by the present King.Dinner and overnightat Meri Puensum Resort, Punakha.

  • Day 9 Drive to Paro (elevation: 2300metres;125Km-3 hours)

    After breakfast check out from the hotel and you will retrace your drive to Paro. Lunchwill be served at the restaurant in Thimphu. Continue your drive to Paro and on arrivalParo Rinpung Dzong: Also known as “fortress of the heap of jewels “, it was built duringthe time of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1646. The approach to the Dzong is througha traditional covered bridge called the Nemi Zam. A walk through the bridge to theDzong, over a stone inlaid path, offers a good view of the architectural wonder of theDzong as well as life around it. It is also venue of the Paro Tshechu, held once a yearinspiring. Check-in the hotel late in the afternoon.Dinner and overnight at HotelDrukchen, Paro

  • Day 10 10: 29 March 2020, Sunday, Hike to Taktsang

    After breakfast hike to the Taktsang monastery, which was built on the cliffs. The entirehike (to and fro) will take about 3 hours of average walking speed from Ramthangkha(the terminating point of the motorable road). Taktsang monastery is one of the mostvenerated pilgrim sites of Bhutan. The monastic complex clings to the rock towering 900m above the valley. Taktsang is located at 2950 m above the sea level. In accordancewith the prophecy of Guru Rinpoche, KhandroYeshiTshogyal, the consort of GuruRinpoche, meditated at Taktsang, transforming herself into a tigress to protect herselffrom harmful humans and wild animals. People who happened to be in the vicinityof Taktsang in those days had seen a real tigress residing in the cave. The cave thuscame to be known as “Taktsang” meaning “the tigress’s lair”. The image of the wrathfulGuru DorjeDroloe one of his eight manifestations mounting the tigress, as we witnesstoday inside the temple is the form of a tigress in our impure perception but in realitythe tigress is the form assumed of KhandroYeshiTshogyal. The monastery was built inthe year 1692 with the command of the fourth desi (secular ruler of Bhutan) GyalseyTenzin Rabgye. Today his reincarnation is residing in the Tango monastery.Visit  Kyichu temple, one of the last three surviving temples among 108 temples. In the8th century a Tibetan King built 108 such temples. Till date only three had survived, twoin Bhutan and one in Tibet known as the Jokhang in Lhasa. Later check into your hoteland dinner will be served at the hotel.Dinner and overnight at Hotel Drukchen, Paro

  • Day 11 Depart Bhutan

    After an early breakfast you will be transferred to Paro International Airport for yourflight to your onward destination. Druk Air Flight KB 200 ; Paro-New Delhi departure;11:50, Arrival: 13:40

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